We’re all scared shitless
Hiding under cool she mused
Is that how you see me?
There’s this woman seated
Who breathed sophistication
She belonged at the cool bar
She ordered a cocktail
Hung out, chit chatted the bartender
I broke her apparent ritual
What a lovely bomber jacket
Her face lit up, demeanor changed
Shyly, thank you, pretty dress
High spirits filled the room
Eventually she rose, pulling on the jacket
Leaned over, almost touching
Good night she smiled, I stay
Drinking in the peals of laughter
Intrigue of spicy drinks
I abandon cool mystery
In the name of open honesty
Sometimes a stuttering moron
In person, our eyes wander
I cry openly, laugh inappropriately
Shook up in the quest
But it’s okay, yeah?
We want to belong, all the same
Curiosity in humanity will not be doused