Tidal Wave

I knew a man once with hair like King Tritan

His love wrapped around a woman 

From his youth and her seven children

And of course, his beloved dog.

Our chats were brief and infrequent

But in the silence and the way he served

I could see how he cared for her.

He was tangled up in a tidal wave

At times, the water could be tamed

Life would paddle along, no calls made

But then the rising water

Crushed him with tsunami force.

He couldn’t escape the waves.

One last storm swallowed him up.

We sat around the beach the next day

Our tears spilling into the sunlit ocean

That stole him away too soon

I held the broken-hearted woman close

No words enough, wishing to rewind 

Acknowledge the signs, sense the deafening storm

To never again minimize another’s pain.

Madeleine Perez